Saving money doesn’t have to be difficult. It also doesn’t have to be a specific amount of money that you stash away in a protected account that you can only access when you’re 120. Saving money can be a creative behaviour that forms part of your daily spending habits. Truly a penny saved is a penny earned. When you have made wiser choices in how you spend your money, you will have a larger amount left […]
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One of the most difficult elements of any financial portfolio is saving for retirement. For most of us, retirement always feels so far away and we feel like we’ll either have plenty of time to save for it, or we simply have other priorities that are currently higher on our list. Products like short term insurance and health cover seem to take the priority in our financial plan. Currently, most South Africans are not ready to […]
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We’re almost at the middle of the year! Some will look forward and see the potential stashed away in the seven months that lie ahead, but others will look at the five months passed and be overwhelmed by how little they’ve accomplished. Perhaps you had such a motivated two weeks in January where you felt like 2014 was going to be your year: a year where you made the changes that you’ve been dreaming about. But […]
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For those of you who have travelled on a tube in London, you’ll know the familiar sound of the lady saying “Mind the gap.” as you step on and off your tube. In fact, even if you haven’t travelled to the Big Smoke, you’ve probably heard about it. However, when people buy health cover they’re very seldom told to mind the gap. I always try to make it very clear to my clients that the gap […]
Most of us have kids in our lives – whether they are our own, our nieces and nephews, friends’ kids or the neighbours – and we are teaching them about money all the time. Every time you make a financial decision or talk about money in front of a child, you are teaching them something. You could be making a transaction and quickly grabbing a few items down temptation isle or you could be moaning around […]
If you’ve read up on salt facts, you’ll know that too much salt can cause raised blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. When you are applying for any type of risk cover, your general health plays a large part in the algorithms that are used to asses your risk… and ultimately how high or low your monthly premiums will be. Eating healthily and getting regular exercise is crucial to keeping your […]
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